Student Success

Our aim is to partner with academe to enhance and support your total academic experience and to promote your academic achievement and retention. Assistance is available with time management, study skills, note taking, reading a text, writing, overcoming test anxiety, test-taking strategies, and other areas related to student success. Referrals are made for students requiring assistance with severe test anxiety and other needs not provided directly by the Student Success staff. In addition to these online resources, face-to-face meetings with the Student Success staff are encouraged if you would like additional assistance in areas related to your academic success. For additional information, contact:

Academic Accommodations

Federal law requires that the College provide reasonable accommodations for otherwise qualified students with disabilities. Generally, the term “disability” means that an individual has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Reasonable academic accommodations may include, but are not limited to, adjusting class schedules, providing assistive devices or equipment, providing readers or interpreters, giving additional time to complete a task, and modifying examinations or other assignments.

Any student who needs to discuss academic accommodations can contact to schedule time to discuss accommodations.   


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