Allen College Appoints New Board of Trustees Chair

July 15, 2024

WATERLOOThe Allen College Board of Trustees appointed Dee Vandeventer as its new chair. Vandeventer succeeds Dr. JoAn Headington who had served as chair the previous six years.

Dr. Headington had reached her term limit and concluded 10 years of service as a trustee on Dec. 31, 2023. In that time, she oversaw multiple initiatives including the addition of new academic programs, expansion and updates to the college’s infrastructure, increases in enrollment and increases in the scholarship endowment. To honor Dr. Headington’s dedication and commitment to Allen College, the board of trustees voted to bestow emeritus trustee status during the March 2024 meeting.

Additional changes to the Allen College Board of Trustees included the appointment of Dr. Wilfred “Mickye” Johnson as secretary/treasurer and the appointment of Dr. Julie Ritland as a trustee. All Trustee appointments were effective Jan. 1, 2024.