List of Institutional Scholarships
Below is a list of Allen College institutional scholarships and a brief description of special criteria. Some of the scholarships may also have enrollment restrictions which are not listed. Unless listed differently, criteria for all scholarships include GPA, financial need, community service, references and overall quality of scholarship application.
- Robert & Pansy Alcorn Memorial Scholarship: BSN student from Black Hawk County who is enrolled full-time; minimum GPA of 3.5; demonstration of church involvement.
- Allen Alumni Association Scholarship: Minimum GPA of 2.5. Preference may be given to an Allen alum or a relative of an Allen alum.
- Allen Class of 1957 Scholarship.
- Allen College Opportunity Scholarship.
- Allen College President's Scholarship.
- Allen College Friend #1 Endowed Scholarship.
- Allen College Winter/Hall Class Gifts Scholarships: Classes of 1959, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1974, 1992 and 1996.
- Allen Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Endowed Scholarship.
- Allen Memorial Hospital School of Nursing Class of 1950 Nursing Scholarship: BSN student.
- Allen Hospital Lab Endowed Scholarship: Medical Laboratory Science student.
- Helen and Richard Anderson Endowed Scholarship: BSN student with a minimum GPA of 3.5 required, preference may be given to an applicant from Black Hawk county.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews Endowed Scholarship.
- Richard & Patricia Arenholz Family Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Betty J. Atkins Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student.
- BSN Program Scholarship: Given to two BSN students. Preference may be given to students from Black Hawk or Buchanan counties.
- Marian E. (Hoelz) Baderschneider Endowed Nursing Scholarship.
- Robert Bailey, M.D., and Robert Morrison, M.D. Scholarship: BSN student. Preference may be given to an applicant expressing an interest in medical/surgical or cardiac nursing.
- Mark and Peggy Baldwin Nursing Scholarship: Nursing student interested in gerontology.
- Pauline R. Barrett Charitable Foundation Endowed Scholarship.
- M. Sue Waschek Baldwin Endowed Scholarship in Medical Laboratory Science: MLS student.
- Keith M. & Dorothea W. Baskins Scholarship: BSN student. Applicant must be a deserving student with a caring approach to patient care. Given to two undergraduate nursing students.
- Betty Lou Beck Memorial Endowed Scholarship: BSN non-traditional student.
- Jean E. Beck Endowed Scholarship: MLS student.
- Bernard Family Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Anna M. Bernard: BSN student and minimum GPA of 3.2.
- Cathryn Schrubbe Bliss Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing scholarship.
- Patricia Boeck Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student. Preference may be given to a graduate from Janesville High School. If none, preference may be given to a graduate from Bremer County.
- Cynthia Bohm Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.
- Bradford Family Scholarship.
- Agnes Essman Brody Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student.
- M.K. Brown Scholarship.
- Jackie Buckley Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Dona Buhr Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing scholarship. Preference may be given to a student with a rural background from Bremer County, minimum GPA of 3.0 required.
- Erma Burk Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student. Preference may be given to a student from Buchanan County.
- Maxine Cagley Endowed Scholarship: Undergraduate or graduate nursing student.
- Debbie Brand Caughron Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student, minimum GPA of 3.25.
- Kent & Carol Charley Endowed Scholarship: BSN student, minimum GPA of 3.0 required.
- Class of 1996 - Dave Harberts and Heather Randall Nursing Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Marjorie K. Cochran Scholarship: Nursing student, given to a member of or anticipate membership in Nurses' Christian Fellowship at Allen College, minimum GPA of 2.5.
- Mark and Deborah Collett Endowed Scholarship.
- Dr. Jim D. Collins Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Medical Lab Science student.
- Margaret Ann Weber Collins Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Colwell Family Scholarship: BSN or MSN student, minimum GPA of 3.0 required.
- Holgar & Wilma Dall Endowed Nursing Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Adele Whitenack Davis Scholarship: BSN student.
- Frederick "Bud" Dell Endowed Memorial Scholarship: BSN student, minimum GPA of 2.5 required. Preference may be given to an applicant who wishes to specialize in heart care.
- Demmel Family Endowed Health Sciences Scholarship in Memory of Juanita Fortsch and Grace, Raymel, Mildred and Wilbur Demmel: Health Sciences student with a minimum GPA of 3.0; preference may be given to students who do not receive federal funding such as PELL Grant; student must demonstrate community involvement.
- Lloyd R. Dilley and Donald L. Dilley Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Preference may be first given to a student who graduated from Sumner-Fredericksburg High School and then to a graduate of Tripoli High School and if none to a graduate of any high school in Bremer County.
- Durham-Feltmeyer Family Scholarship: Nursing student, minimum GPA of 3.0 required.
- Erpelding Scholarship: BSN student, preference given to a student who plans to work in the local area.
- Fanton Family Scholarship in Honor of Kara (Fanton) Rentschler “Class of 1992”: BSN student, minimum GPA of 3.0. Preference may be given to a graduate of a high school in Fayette, Black Hawk, Linn or Marshall counties. Consideration may be given for community involvement.
- Flanders Family Endowed Scholarship: Undergraduate or graduate nursing student.
- Doris Ann Flater Memorial Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Ida and Laura Fleming Scholarship: BSN student.
- Fleming Sisters Scholarship.
- Judy & Jim Fogdall Endowed Scholarship: BSN student, minimum GPA of 3.0.
- Gallagher Family Foundation Scholarship in Memory of Edward Gallagher Jr. and Catherine Cassidy Gallagher: Preference may be given to students who live in or graduated from a Black Hawk County high school.
- Rhonda Gilbert Endowed Scholarship.
- Henry and Sylvia Grekoff Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Preference given to a Waverly-Shell Rock high school graduate.
- Carol D. Hadlund Scholarship: Nursing student, minimum GPA of 2.5, preference to a student from Northeast Iowa-prefer farm background.
- Mary Hahn Rix Nursing Endowed Scholarship: Bachelor of Science in Nursing student.
- Milton Hall Class Scholarship.
- Dona and Eldred Harman Endowed Scholarship: Full-time nursing student who graduated from an Iowa high school. Must have minimum GPA of 2.7.
- Alice M. Hart Memorial Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Jim & Shirley Harvey Scholarship.
- Jane E. Hasek Endowed Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing or radiography student at Allen College for their senior year. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required. Applicant should exemplify the "best of the class" as may be demonstrated by: Incorporates the values and beliefs of the mission and philosophy of Allen College in his/her professional and personal life.
Is a role model for others as an outstanding clinical practitioner.
Demonstrates leadership qualities and a commitment to improving health care through involvement in professional and community activities.
Demonstrates characteristics that reflect the highest professional health care standards.
- Philip R. Hastings, M.D. Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student awarded to an active church member, community service, and personal achievements.
- JoAn Headington Endowed Scholarship: BSN or MSN student scholarship awarded to an Allen Associate.
- Health, Helping & Healing Scholarship: BSN student with a minimum GPA of 3.0, community involvement.
- Paul and Francis Hershberger Family Endowed Scholarship: BSN or Radiography student who is enrolled full-time.
- Heinz S. Jacobi Surgical Nursing Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student with a personal interest, compassion, and aptitude for surgical nursing.
- Dr. James Jeffries and Roseann Jeffries Memorial Endowed Scholarship.
- Edward W. Jesse Estate Endowed Scholarship: preference may be given to a graduate from a Black Hawk County or Buchannan County high school.
- Edward Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Dr. Raja & Susan Junaid Endowed Nursing Scholarship: MSN student with preference given to an applicant in the APMHNP track.
- Matt and Hilda Kalainoff Memorial Endowed Scholarship: DMS student. Preference may be given to a resident of Denver, Iowa or a Denver, Iowa High School graduate or a resident of Bremer County.
- Elsie Kehe Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Bill and Jane Kerbey Scholarship: Nursing scholarship awarded to a graduate of a Waterloo or Cedar Falls high school.
- M. and N. Klepfer Family Endowed Scholarship: Preference may be given to a nursing student who is a graduate of a Black Hawk County high school.
- Linda Klinger Memorial Endowed Scholarship: BSN or MSN student.
- Marcie Knudson Memorial Scholarship: BSN or RN-BSN student who enrolled full-time. Preference may be given to those students from the 11-county service area in Northeast Iowa and who have an interest in surgical nursing.
- Dr. Rolf F. Kruse Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student.
- La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux -- Voiture Locale 82 -- Black Hawk County Scholarship: BSN student who graduated from a Black Hawk County high school.
- Anne and Oscar Lanich, M.D. Endowed Scholarship: Radiography student.
- J&L Leistikow Family Endowed Scholarship.
- Alice and Quinter Lichty Endowed Scholarship: Minimum GPA of 2.5.
- Wayne Lichty Memorial Endowed Scholarship: BSN or MSN student enrolled full-time with a minimum GPA of 3.5.
- Shirley Bolton Llewellyn Memorial Endowed Scholarship.
- Kelly Jo Luchtenburg Lester Memorial Scholarship: Preference to a student from Iowa with preference to a student who is enrolled in the medical imaging program first and radiography program second.
- Kristine Martinson & Family Endowed Scholarship: Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, preference may be first given to a student who graduated from Cedar Falls High School and then to a graduate of a high school in Black Hawk County. Preference may be given to a student with community service in the Cedar Falls area.
- Vivian G. Maxwell Endowed Scholarship for RN Nursing Students: BSN student who is enrolled full-time.
- Virginia Henniges McBride Scholarship: BSN student.
- Phyllis A. "Pavlicek" McClenathan Annual Memorial Scholarship: BSN student in their last year of the program.
- Helen & Joseph Melichar Scholarship: Preference may be given to a Legacy recipient first followed by financial need and non-traditional student.
- Military Order of the Cootie "Keep Them Smiling in Beds of White" Scholarship: Nursing student with preference to a student who meets eligibility for the VFW Auxiliary membership.
- Minone Messersmith Sturdevant Memorial Scholarship: BSN student, minimum GPA of 3.0.
- JP Morgan Endowed Scholarship.
- Rick and Debbie Morris Endowed Scholarship. Nursing student.
- Maxine and Robert Morrison, M.D. Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Maynard & Mary Jean Murch MLS Endowed Scholarship: MLS student.
- Mary Jean Murch Nursing Endowed Scholarship.
- Dr. Vishwanath Nagale Endowed Scholarship: BSN student or MSN student enrolled in the adult-gerontology NP track, minimum GPA of 3.0.
- Nauss Nursing Endowed Scholarship: Undergraduate full-time nursing student. Preference may be given to an applicant who has great financial need and the passion and commitment to nursing.
- Nauss Nursing Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Maria Rosenau Nauss: Undergraduate nursing student.
- Marlys Nelson Nursing Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student, preference should be given to a student in their final year of study.
- Gladys Neubauer Trust Scholarship: ASR or BSN student. Preference may be given to graduates of Black Hawk County public high schools.
- Joan Nohre Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Leana B. Nyland Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Minimum GPA of 3.0 on 4.0 scale.
- E. James O'Connor Memorial Scholarship: BSN or MSN student.
- Olesen Family Endowed Scholarship: BSN student
- Linda C. Parrott Endowed Scholarship: Preference may be given to a BSN student.
- Debra Peyton Memorial Scholarship: BSN student.
- Vernon H. & Dorothy J. Plager Nursing Scholarship: BSN student. Preference may be given to a graduate of a Waterloo high school.
- Joan Poe Memorial Scholarship. Any Allen College student.
- Arthur & Ruth Pries Scholarship: ASR or BSN full-time student.
- Larry and Virginia Pugh Scholarship for Leadership: Nursing or radiography student.
- Joyce Louise Redman Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Vera Reineking Nursing Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student. Minimum GPA of 2.4 or higher. Preference may be given to those students from Hudson or the 11-county service area in Northeast Iowa.
- F. Harold Reuling, M.D. Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student. Preference may be given to those students from 11 county service area in Northeast Iowa.
- Donald and Marianne Reynolds Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Matt Rolinger Endowed Scholarship: BSN student. Preference may be given to graduates from a high school in Black Hawk County.
- Milt & Joanie Roth Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Sage Family Scholarship.
- Patricia A. Sapp Scholarship: BSN or MSN student with a 3.5 GPA or better and who has been actively involved in the community and provided volunteer service.
- Theresa Schmitz Endowed Scholarship: BSN student who is an Allen Legacy Program recipient.
- Gwen Schroeder Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Rosinda Waschkat Schweer Memorial Scholarship: Full-time undergraduate nursing student.
- Debra Kerns Seegers Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate nursing student. Preference may be given to a graduate of Denver or Hudson high schools.
- Sherry Seehase Endowed Nursing Scholarship: BSN or MSN students, minimum GPA of 3.0; preference may be given to a non-traditional student with financial need.
- David Seible Memorial Scholarship: BSN student with a 2.5 GPA or better.
- Seliger Family Endowed Scholarship: Undergraduate student; preference given to a student who previously attended an Iowa private college.
- Dave and Anne Seltzer Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Vivian Shane Scholarship: BSN student with a 3.0 GPA or better.
- Sheldahl Family Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Bob Sieglaff Scholarship: Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.
- Sigma Theta Tau International Pi Kappa Chapter 392 Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Andrew C Smith, MD and Murtis Gordanier Smith, RN Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Ron & Betty Steege Endowed Scholarship: BSN student.
- Shirley Strouse Memorial Scholarship: Undergraduate or graduate nursing student. Preference may be given to an applicant from the 11-county service area in Northeast Iowa.
- Katherine Stuart Medical Lab Science Scholarship: MLS student, preference to non-traditional students with financial need.
- Dale and Katherine Stupp Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Nursing student. Preference may be given to a graduate from a high school in Buchanan County.
- Ken and Mavis TeSlaa Endowed Nursing Education Scholarship: Preference is given to a student in the MSN program and secondary preference is given to a student in the DNP program.
- Helen Thompson and Ronald Thompson Family Scholarship: BSN student with a minimum GPA of 3.0
- E. & M. Thoms Scholarship: BSN student with a minimum GPA of 2.33.
- Lynn M. and Stanley C. Thornberry Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Undergraduate or graduate nursing student. Special preference will be given to those applicants from Black Hawk County or adjacent counties.
- Sandra Thurm Memorial Scholarship.
- Virginia C. Turner Memorial Scholarship: BSN or MSN with at least a 3.0 GPA.
- Rose Unger Memorial Scholarship: Nursing scholarship.
- University Book & Supply Endowed Scholarship.
- Van Kerckhove Family Memorial Scholarship: Nursing student, preference to a student from Polk County who plans to work at a UnityPoint Health facility after graduation.
- Zora R. Walters Endowed Scholarship: Preference may be given to an applicant who graduated from East High School, Central High School, West High School or Columbus High School of Waterloo, Iowa or any other high school hereafter created in the City of Waterloo, Iowa and who has not been out of high school longer than ten years from the academic award year.
- Charles A. Waterbury, M.D. Memorial Scholarship: BSN or MSN student.
- Lyle & Elsie Watters Endowed Scholarship: BSN or MSN student, Allen volunteer preferred.
- Dana Wedeking Student Success Scholarship: BSN student
- Thomas H. Williams Scholarship: BSN or MSN student.
- Winter Family Class Scholarship.
- Winter Family Promises to Keep Scholarship.
- Lewis L. Zager, M.D. Memorial Scholarship: Nursing student.
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - Keith M. & Dorothea W. Baskins Scholarship Fund: BSN student.
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - Mabel A. Burrow Memorial Scholarship Fund: BSN student, preference is given to students from Bremer and Fayette Counties.
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - Enderlein Family Scholarship: Nursing.
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - Ralph L. Hadlund, MD Scholarship: Nursing student from Northeast Iowa with a farm background.
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - David and Dianne Happel Family Scholarship.
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - George W. and Hallene A. Paul Scholarship: Preference may be given to a graduate of a Blackhawk County high school.
- Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - Leo C. Puhl & Arlene J. Reed Puhl Nursing student. Preference may be given to applicants showing an interest in working in the area of oncology.