
Allen College excels at providing healthcare education.

Vision Statement

Allen College is a Leading Institution to Enrich Healthcare.  

Allen College is a community of experts who use innovation and technology to teach students pursuing healthcare careers to become exceptional professionals who are dedicated to improving the lives of those they will serve. Allen College will be recognized as a premier healthcare college where students want to learn, healthcare educators choose to teach, employers seek graduates and donors channel support.


Core Values

Allen College has built a foundation of quality and excellence by embracing five pillars of success:

  • Service: All Allen College leaders, faculty, staff and students participate in service or service-learning opportunities.  
  • Integrity: Allen College leaders, faculty, staff and students act ethically with transparency and prioritize doing the right thing.
  • Diversity: Allen College is an institution that creates equal opportunities for individuals to feel valued and respected for their unique contributions.   
  • Innovation and Technology: Allen College advances curricular innovation by developing programs highly sought after by students and leveraging technological advances to ensure curricular success. 
  • Quality: Allen College graduates’ certification/licensure pass rates are among the highest in the nation compared to similar educational programs.



In the true spirit of Christian love and service, it is the philosophy of Allen College to provide educational opportunities and resources that will facilitate student achievement of academic excellence and clinical competence with emphasis on the art of human caring. The College encourages individuals to develop their inherent abilities to full potential, and facilitates lifelong learning, a problem-solving approach, professional adaptability and a humanistic approach to new technology.

Education is defined as a holistic process that involves faculty and students in a commitment to learning with mutual accountability for personal and professional growth. The educational environment provides students a wholesome, intellectually stimulating environment in which caring and respect for all individuals is evident.

Community service provides faculty and students with an opportunity to share knowledge and expertise with others in fulfillment of responsibility to society. The role of the professional includes responsible action related to the needs of society.

Research and critical analysis give support and direction to both education and practice. Action related to data generated from study and research allows change to occur in an orderly fashion.

Strategic Goals & Strategic Plan


Allen College’s current strategic plan aims to redefine healthcare education and embrace emerging technologies. The College’s board, leadership, faculty and staff are committed to meet the needs of our students and continue to evolve our programs ensure our graduates are exceptionally prepared to make a difference in their professional field. The current strategic plan will be complete on December 31, 2029.

Strategic Plan

Goal 1

Meet healthcare workforce needs.

Goal 2

Embrace innovation, technology and lifelong learning.

Goal 3

Engage with and impact the communities it serves.

Goal 4

Provide faculty and staff opportunities for scholarly and societal endeavors.

Goal 5

Promote an open and inclusive learning environment. 

Goal 6

Make fiscal decisions for sustainability, growth and organizational success.

Academic Goals

Allen College is committed to:

  1. preparing outstanding healthcare practitioners who are committed to lifelong learning; 
  2. developing and implementing accessible academic programs of excellence that are responsive to the workforce needs of Iowa and the nation; 
  3. recruiting and retaining highly qualified and engaged students, faculty, and staff who represent diverse populations and who embrace diversity, cultural and global awareness, and the inclusion of all its members; 
  4. promoting a commitment by all members of the Allen College community to lives of service; and 
  5. adopting management practices that demonstrate outstanding stewardship of all resources to our constituents.
General Education Goals
  1. Understand and appreciate diverse cultures.
  2. Master multiple modes of intellectual inquiry.
  3. Effectively analyze and communicate information.
  4. Recognize the importance of creativity and values to citizenship.
  5. Examine personal, social, and civic values.